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Spread the word about Malaria and the plant that could save lives

The Lantana camara plant grows in much of sub-Saharan Africa and is a natural mosquito repellant. Concern Worldwide has partnered with other organizations to develop a research team that planted Lantana around 231 houses, then measured the number of mosquitoes inside people’s homes. Those houses with Lantana had 56% fewer of the most common ... More
China’s Non-Interference Policy and Growing African Concerns

Two weeks ago, I read an interesting article on African Arguments by Alula A. Iyasu, the Managing Director of Bridge International, Corp.,  an investment and trade advisory group with a focus in Sub-Saharan Africa. Iyasu provides a great insight into China’s non-interference policy and its economic relations with Africa: Non-interference policy has been ... More
Out of Africa: The minerals that make the world go round

From laptops to cell phones, cars to airplanes, all kinds of everyday products are made using minerals that come from Africa. It’s no exaggeration to say that the world depends on Africa’s natural resources. Those resources are crucial exports for many African countries, and while resource wealth doesn’t always benefit ordinary people, ... More
Tackle tax evasion to fuel Africa’s development

Put an end to the secret, murky and exploitative deals that have robbed Africans of the gains of their natural resource wealth. As G20 finance ministers meet in Moscow, Kofi Annan urges their governments to seize the current opportunity to stop illicit tax practices. Source: The Elders More
Teenager plans ‘hacker school’ to help Africa build next Google

Martha Chumo, a 19-year-old self-taught programmer, was supposed to be in New York right now, honing her coding skills and mastering cutting-edge technologies in the company of fellow software enthusiasts. Instead, she’s thousands of miles away, in her hometown of Nairobi, Kenya. A few months ago, Chumo was accepted into the summer intake of Hacker ... More
Way-C touchpad by Congolese inventor Verone Mankou

Semhar Araia is Founder and Executive Director of the Diaspora African Women’s Network (DAWN) and she recently tweeted: ‘By 2050,Africa’s population will reach 2 billion. By 2040, its workforce is expected to reach 1.1billion. Whos pushing govts to create jobs?‘. That’s a very good question and hopefully, there are already ... More
Ces femmes qui font bouger l’Afrique

Pour mon premier article en français sur ce Blog (car tout le monde ne parle pas anglais), j’ai décidé de mettre en avant les femmes africaines. J’ai récemment lu sur SlateAfrique un article intitulé Les six femmes les plus influentes d’Afrique et qui fait le portrait de six femmes d’influence sur le continent Africain. Elles ... More
South Sudan: Render unto southern Sudanese that which is theirs

South Sudan has gained its independence from Sudan. Eventually. I just got off the phone with a (now officially) southern Sudanese friend who fled his country twenty years ago. For him, the independence is something he is proud of, it is some sort of freedom and for the first time in years, he will go visit his family who stayed near Juba, the capital of ... More
Sunday Roundup: Bahrain, Sudan, Physics…

The Bahrain Grand Prix will not go ahead. Many concerned people such as #Nicholas Kristof and Kenneth Roth tweeted this week about the upcoming Formula One Grand Prix expected to take place next October in Bahrain. In a post published on Foreign Policy we can read: ‘On Friday, the Federation Internationale de l’Automobile, the governing body for ... More
Sunday Roundup: Abyei, Ai Weiwei, Artmaking…

U.N. probes absences amid Sudan clashes. Since Northern Sudanese forces seized Abyei, many rightfully think northern and southern fighting over Abyei could reignite a full blown war in #Sudan. And we thought U.N. peacekeepers in Sudan would protect the people of Abyei from the attacks; apparently we were wrong. According to Reuters: ‘U.N. peacekeepers ... More

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