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Albert Einstein on racism and segregation

Einstein, in his own words: Here’s something you probably don’t know about Albert Einstein. In 1946, the Nobel Prize-winning physicist traveled to Lincoln University in Pennsylvania, the alma mater of Langston Hughes and Thurgood Marshall and the first school in America to grant college degrees to blacks. At Lincoln, Einstein gave a speech in which he ... More
Martin Luther King ‘I Have A Dream’ Speech – August 28, 1963

Today is the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Learn more about the Great March on Washington and Martin Luther King’s speech here. More
Martin Luther King Jr. and Obama’s election: Free at last? (2)

President Barack Obama wins a second term. Barack Obama had been re-elected and his re-election has been celebrated around the world. Even in France, Tom McGrath, president of Republicans Abroad France, says: “It’s clear that if they could vote, Europe would vote 80 per cent for Obama.” Four more years. Whether this is a good or a bad news ... More
People of goodwill against the rest of the world? Maybe…

The world is complex and the more we try to simplify it, the more difficult it is to see the large picture in its full complexity per se. This rule is applicable to politics, religion, science, economy and to our daily life. Oversimplifying a situation or an issue by making hasty generalizations will undoubtedly lead to inaccurate conclusions. And basing a ... More
Martin Luther King Jr. and Obama’s election: Free at last?

Martin Luther King Jr. holds a special place in my life. When I was at school I studied everything he said, everything he did; I used to write articles about him for my student newspaper. I am not into religion at all so sometimes I was uncomfortable with some of his speeches but Martin Luther King’s strength, commitment and powerful discourses ... More
Will 2009 be better or only ‘less worse’ than 2008?

Yes, I know, I am late. Well, not yet. Before writing this post, I read the one I posted last year, on December 31st 2007: Tall oaks from little acorns grow and nothing has really changed since then… I mentioned the plight in Darfur, Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma, and several crisis (environment, food, economics…) threatening us. And I am afraid to ... More
Darfur: a World Wide Role Playing Game

I’m not talking about the Legend of Zelda here or any other MMORPG, but about the much less dreamlike crisis in Darfur in a very specific ‘real life game genre’ I dub World Wide Role Playing Game – WWRPG. Last year I wrote an article titled: ‘Darfur: History, a never ending story’and I was wondering if we could learn from ... More

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