Curb Your Enthusiasm: Pretty, pretty, pretty good!
The tagline for Curb Your Enthusiasm is: “Deep inside, you know you’re him.” And let’s be honest—we all have a little bit of Larry David in us. I know quite a few people who would definitely see pieces of themselves in him (and no, I’m not naming names). I loved Seinfeld, so when Curb premiered in 2000, I was thrilled to see Larry David’s ...
The Big Bang Theory: Am I really that kind of Nerd?!
The Big Bang Theory pilot had been floating around YouTube for months before its official premiere on September 24, 2007, on CBS. Here’s how the network describes it: “Meet two brainiacs with a lot to learn. Leonard (Johnny Galecki) and Sheldon (Jim Parsons) can tell their quarks from their quantum physics, but have no clue how women add up. Leave it to ...
Dexter and The Shield: bad is good
It’s always a challenge for a writer to make readers like a character they would probably hate in real life. A while ago, I started watching two TV shows: Dexter and The Shield. At first, I wasn’t particularly interested. Dexter (starring Michael C. Hall) follows a serial killer—but he’s not that bad, right? After all, he only kills criminals. ...