The return of Burn Notice, Dark Blue, True Blood and Mad Men
I really enjoy watching TV shows. Unfortunately, Ugly Betty, 24, Lost and Heroes are no more. Not to mention Bryan Fuller’s whimsical Pushing Daisies! So what is left to watch this Summer? Luckily, several of my favorite shows. Burn Notice is on my top list, I already wrote about the show: Burn Notice Vs Leverage? I’d better get burned!. If I ...
Lost, Battlestar Galactica, Nip/Tuck, House M.D… Addicted!
More than a year ago, in April 2007 (time flies!), I wrote a post about Dexter and The Shield—specifically, how morally ambiguous characters can make for great television. Whether it’s action-drama, sci-fi, comedy-drama (dramedy), medical drama, sitcoms, or police procedurals, TV series explore an incredible range of topics and styles. I’m always ...