Andrée Putman, The Queen of Black and White
What would black be without white, and white without black? I’m not speaking metaphorically here (though the idea certainly holds meaning). Since I first started drawing and designing clothes as a young teenager, I’ve always been drawn to the stark contrast and purity of black and white. I’ve already shared my admiration for Pierre Soulages and his ...
A few pages of my movie script / book, for your eyes only!
Last year I published an extract on my first book and I was very touched by the many supporting feedbacks I received about it. During the past 2 months, I have been hard at work writing a movie script which action takes place in the mid-1930s, during the Golden Age of Hollywood. It is not a movie script anymore since I entirely rewrote it, adding so many ...
About the Warner Bros and the Roosevelt Administration
As you may already know, I am a huge fan of Hollywood’s Golden Age, movies from the 1930’s and the 1940’s, and also film noir. For the French reading this blog who want to see some very good movies made by the Warner Brothers during the Great Depression, don’t miss the Cinéma de Minuit on French channel television France3. A movie ...
Davis, Flynn, Dietrich… They did it their way
The period between the Great Depression and World War II, from the 1920s through the late 1940s, is known as Hollywood’s Golden Age. I’m a huge fan of films from the 1930s and ’40s—the era when Bette Davis captivated audiences as Mildred Rogers in Of Human Bondage (1934), battled with Jack Warner, and worked with Cary Grant to run the Hollywood ...
Scarface: First and second impact
Some movies have fueled my creativity and inspired me to write my first short stories, and Scarface is definitely one of those life-changing films. I first saw it as a young teenager, and it hit me hard—maybe I was too young to fully handle a movie like that, which might be why it’s so vivid in my memory. I’ve rewatched it a few times since then, and ...