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Dior Celebrates Its 70th Anniversary in Paris at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs

Christian Dior is the epitome of elegance—there’s no doubt about it; it’s a fact. I appreciated Dior’s style as a teenager, driven by my early interest in fashion, but I truly discovered the world of Maison Christian Dior during an internship I had at Dior as part of my studies. Though my internship focused on marketing and management, I had access ... More
Claude Iverné’s Photographs at the Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson

I had the chance to see French photographer Claude Iverné’s previous exhibition in Paris, which took place in 2012 at the Clémentine de la Féronnière gallery. You can read my post to learn more about it: Rashid Mahdi, Claude Iverné, and Sudanese Photographs. Iverné is back in Paris, but unfortunately, I’m not sure I’ll be able to see his ... More
L’exposition ‘Sous le Jasmin : histoire d’une répression en Tunisie’ d’Augustin Le Gall à Paris

La torture en Tunisie est aujourd’hui encore un sujet grave et difficile. L’exposition photographique « Sous le Jasmin : histoire d’une répression en Tunisie » du photographe Augustin Le Gall sera présentée dans le cadre du Festival international du film des droits de l’homme (FIFDH). L’organisation mondiale contre la torture ... More
Keith Haring, some ‘Hiéroglyphes’ and a Google Doodle

Keith Haring was an artist and a social activist, and he directly influenced me as a teenage artist. Last year I had the chance to go to the Musée en Herbe in Paris and see the show ‘Les Hiéroglyphes de Keith Haring’. It was clearly aimed at children with puzzles and games but Haring’s work was everywhere. I had a great time seeing the ... More
L’exposition ‘Dégagements… La Tunisie un an après’ à l’Institut du monde arabe

J’écris assez peu en français, certains me l’ont déjà fait remarquer, peut-être devrais-je le faire plus souvent. Parfois l’envie me vient d’écrire dans la langue de Molière, je ne peux l’expliquer. Peut-être lorsqu’il s’agit de sujets plus personnels, qui me touchent plus directement. La Tunisie en est un, ... More
Les auteurs de ‘Steampunk Bible’ et ‘Steampunk!’ à Paris

J’ai évoqué le #Steampunk il y a quelques temps déjà (trop longtemps manifestement…) dans mon article : The Deep: The Extraordinary Creatures of the Abyss. La très inspirante exposition de #Claire Nouvian au Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle de Paris m’avait donnée l’occasion de faire allusion (certes ... More
Mythic Miss.tic in Paris (with da-eYe)

This woman is more than ‘that’. Miss.tic is a modern legend. I managed to see one of her show in Paris, eventually. For years I admired her stencil work in the streets and enjoyed her clever aphorisms mixing puns, wordplay and double meanings. I mentioned her in my previous post Grandmaster Flash, Seen, Jordans… Remembering the good old days! ... More
da-eYe is back on the wall of Serge Gainsbourg’s house

da-eYe is back rue de Verneuil. But this time, virtually. When Serge Gainsbourg died on 2 March 1991 of a heart attack, I was among the ones who came at his home rue de Verneuil in Paris and wrote or drew graffiti on the outer wall of Serge Gainsbourg’s house. I drew a da-eYe and it was one of the last time I did. I have always considered Gainsbourg ... More
Andrée Putman, The Queen of Black and White

What would black be without white, and white without black? I’m not speaking metaphorically here (though the idea certainly holds meaning). Since I first started drawing and designing clothes as a young teenager, I’ve always been drawn to the stark contrast and purity of black and white. I’ve already shared my admiration for Pierre Soulages and his ... More
Jean-Michel Basquiat: The Radiant Child and an Exhibition

I was a teenager when Jean-Michel Basquiat died, and at this time I was drawing my observing eye in the streets of Paris. Like I said in Grandmaster Flash, Seen, Jordans… Remembering the good old days!, graffiti and video games were my main hobbies during this period, and I can still remember what I was doing when Andy Warhol died in 1987, Jean-Michel ... More

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