Last year, I posted: Forget the jet pack, here come PATS and PAVs!. “Sometimes you wish a news was true, especially when it comes to single seater personal air transport or jet pack. Do you remember the James Bond movie Thunderball? I wanted to have my own jet pack so bad after I watched Sean Connery use one to escape the bad guys! And now this may be a dream come true…”
Well, jet packs may still have a bright future, according to a recent article on C|Net:
The jetpack, which Martin Aircraft calls a “motorbike in the sky,” is made of a carbon fiber composite with a bit of Kevlar for the rotor. A gasoline engine drives ducted fans that produce enough thrust to lift the one-person aircraft into a vertical takeoff and enable sustained flight before a vertical landing (in a 2011 test, the jetpack stayed aloft, with a dummy on-board, for more than seven minutes — a record). Fortunately for those of us accustomed to getting from home to work and back with our feet on the ground, it comes equipped with a ballistic parachute system.
Full article here.