L’Appel pour une Tunisie des Libertés
Face à l’enlisement de la situation politique depuis des mois en Tunisie et suite à l’assassinat de Chokri Belaïd dont je vous parlais dans ce post, les appels se multiplient en Tunisie comme en France, pour que les lignes bougent. Si vous êtes inscrit à la newsletter du MagkaSama Project, vous pouvez suivre les événements (actions ...
International Human Rights Day 2009: Every Human Has Rights
It has already been a year. Time goes by so fast… The “60 Signers for the 60th Anniversary” Initiative is already a year old but it is like it was yesterday. It was a great experience and I had the opportunity to meet with very interesting people. The heads of the organizations who signed the initiative such as: Mary Robinson (Member of The ...
60 Signers for the 60th Anniversary Initiative fulfilled!
Last November, I launched the ’60 Signers for the 60th Anniversary Initiative’ on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to support the Every Human Has Rights Campaign initiated by The Elders. As you may have easily noticed, the landmark U.N. document is still not fully respected around the world. This ...