On November 28th, both the Presidential and Legislative elections took place. Millions of Congolese went to the polls amid violence and confusion, to vote in the presidential and parliamentary polls nationwide. Thousands of international peacekeepers and monitors were sent in the country to oversee the election but observers say they were beset by ... More
Ce n’est pas moi qui le dit mais Ekia Badou, auteure de l’article publié sur SlateAfrique. La source des femmes est sorti le 02 novembre en salle et a été salué par la critique, tant pour la réalisation et la qualité des décors (Berbères, précision utile), que par l’interprétation des actrices (Leïla Bekhti et Hafsia Herzi, ... More
A visionary and a creative genius. Steve Jobs was the co-founder and CEO of Apple and he has died of cancer at 56. This is a very sad news. The company has posted this statement on its website. Many people mourn the loss of Steve Jobs, one of the century’s greatest business leaders. I love most of the iconic products he created, and da-eYe does ... More
Everyone now knows Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who was accused by Nafissatou Diallo, a hotel maid in New York, of sexual assault. Three months after Strauss-Kahn was arrested, prosecutors dismissed all charges against him, stating that the Manhattan maid who accused him of sexual assault had told so many lies about her past that her story could no longer be ... More
Pour mon premier article en français sur ce Blog (car tout le monde ne parle pas anglais), j’ai décidé de mettre en avant les femmes africaines. J’ai récemment lu sur SlateAfrique un article intitulé Les six femmes les plus influentes d’Afrique et qui fait le portrait de six femmes d’influence sur le continent Africain. Elles ... More
Summer time and a lot more to come, very soon. Meanwhile, I have decided to create a new section on this blog: Quick Notes. In less than 250 words, I will share with you some useful (as far as I will be able to) news. For a while now I have been asked to post more often if I could; since I can’t post as often as I would like to, I thought maybe ... More
Last year I met with extraordinary women. There was Betti from Rwanda, Clara from Mexico, Armita from Iran and French women: Fatima, Laurence, Karima, Francesca, Caroline… All had in common a difficult life only because they were born ‘female’. Since last year, some of them are bringing good news, some others still struggle to make both ends meet. ... More
Happy new year everyone! I guess we are going to hear those words many times again in the coming hours, days and weeks. Today is the first day of 2011 and many are already recovering from a bash that lasted until early this morning. Most of the people I know are celebrating, wishing everyone the best for the new year. Me too I hope everything will be better ... More
The Sama Fraternal Society belongs to you! For nearly 15 years online, I’ve shared my inspirations and work with you. Some of you have been visiting my websites for over a decade, and together, we’ve grown—exchanging ideas, perspectives, and meaningful discussions. This dialogue has been a constant source of motivation for me. With the launch of ... More
I am a big fan of Hello Kitty -now everybody knows about it. It took me some time to accept Hello Kitty cuteness as my interest in the famous Sanrio‘s character only started when I was already an (young) adult. I have never been into dolls, Barbies and other ‘girl things’ but I always had tenderness for Hello Kitty and I even dedicated ... More