Remember The Project Tic-Toc, a secret experimental time machine of the U.S Army in Time Tunnel? The DeLorean from Back To The Future? The TARDIS Type 40 time travel capsule from Doctor Who? The eight-spoked Frozen Wheel from Lost? Not to mention The Hot Tub Time Machine… They are indeed the weirdest-looking time machines in all Science Fiction and ... More
Even though I enjoyed watching Season 1, it wasn’t perfect. Andrew Romano explains it perfectly on The Daily Beast. And apparently, the best is yet to come in Season 2! The effect is revelatory. Once McAvoy & Co. are no longer forced to serve primarily as mouthpieces for their creator’s political views and mechanisms of his journalistic ... More
Roger Smith, author of thrillers Dust Devils and more recently Capture, tweeted about this article from the Los Angeles Times. Vince Gilligan, creator of the brilliant Breaking Bad, talks Walter White, metaphysics and morals. Most Hollywood creative types won’t openly judge their characters. Judgment, the reasoning goes, corrupts honest, organic ... More
In 2007, I wrote about the TV Show: Dexter and The Shield: bad is good. When I first watched the show, it did feel right, I explain it in my article: […] Some people would say killing serial killers or child molesters is OK, some others may think Mackey is doing right using the same methods the gangs use in the streets. I’m against death penalty and ... More
I love watching TV shows and I already mentioned the long list of the ones I wouldn’t miss. I lately started to watch Person of Interest, a crime drama television series from CBS: an ex-CIA hitman and a scientist team up to prevent crimes before they happen. Honestly, I didn’t like it until the 6th or 7th episode. It looked a lot like Burn ... More
As a big fan of Curb Your Enthusiasm TV show, I am very excited about Season 8. This time Larry David takes on New York City and I can’t wait to watch the new episodes. But if you want to know more about the upcoming season that will premiere this year on HBO, you might be disappointed… The only place to go is on the CYE page on HBO website. In ... More
I really enjoy watching TV shows. Unfortunately, Ugly Betty, 24, Lost and Heroes are no more. Not to mention Bryan Fuller’s whimsical Pushing Daisies! So what is left to watch this Summer? Luckily, several of my favorite shows. Burn Notice is on my top list, I already wrote about the show: Burn Notice Vs Leverage? I’d better get burned!. If I ... More
The Seinfeld Reunion. Any true fan of the classic sitcom had dreamed of a reunion ever since Seinfeld ended. It’s been 11 years. And I have to admit—I was, and still am, a huge Seinfeld fan. The best sitcom ever. (And I’ve watched a lot of TV shows: Lost, Battlestar Galactica, Nip/Tuck, House M.D.—totally addicted!, The Big Bang Theory—am I really ... More
It has been a long time I didn’t talk about TV shows, last time was in June 2008. Since then I had the pleasure (well it is not always such a pleasure…) to watch new shows and I have had some great surprises. Among them is ‘Burn Notice’, a comedy-drama/action show created by Matt Nix. I wasn’t expecting much from this show, ... More
More than a year ago, in April 2007 (time flies!), I wrote a post about Dexter and The Shield—specifically, how morally ambiguous characters can make for great television. Whether it’s action-drama, sci-fi, comedy-drama (dramedy), medical drama, sitcoms, or police procedurals, TV series explore an incredible range of topics and styles. I’m always ... More