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MD Blog > ‘Rendezvous’: Claude Lelouch’s insane sprint across Paris
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‘Rendezvous’: Claude Lelouch’s insane sprint across Paris

How could I forget to mention Rendezvous? I’m a fan of great gunfight scenes in movies (From Scarface to Smokin’ Aces: the art of the gun scene) and, of course, high-octane car chases (Car chases in movies: Bullitt, Terminator 2, Mad Max 2…). About two years ago, I shared some of my favorite car chase scenes, covering films like Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Thelma & Louise, The Blues Brothers, Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior, The French Connection, Grindhouse/Death Proof, and modern classics like The Fast and the Furious, Ronin, Taxi, and Gone in 60 Seconds. And let’s not forget the legendary chase in Bullitt (Steve McQueen: Bullitt chase scene GPS tracked).

Technically, I didn’t really “forget” Claude Lelouch’s short film Rendezvous—it’s not a traditional car chase. But this high-speed dash through Paris still ranks among the most iconic pieces of car footage ever shot.

If you’ve never heard of Rendezvous, here’s a quick intro. In 1976, French director Claude Lelouch (A Man and a Woman) shot this short film, known as C’était un rendez-vous in France and simply Rendezvous in the U.S. It’s an eight-minute, high-speed drive through empty Parisian streets at dawn, filmed in a single take. There’s no dialogue, no script, no plot—just an intense ride from Porte Dauphine to Sacré Coeur in Montmartre. The car, a Mercedes-Benz 450SEL driven by Lelouch himself, allegedly hits speeds over 150 mph. Lelouch mounted the camera on the front of the car and later added the sound of his own Ferrari 275 GTB’s engine, complete with raw exhaust notes and even a few missed gear shifts. This raised countless questions over the years: Who was the driver? Was it really going that fast?

Regardless of the answers, Rendezvous remains an incredible piece of film and an absolute must-see for any car enthusiast. The film was remastered and released on DVD in 2003 by SpiritLevel. If you can, check out the DVD for the best experience with the visuals, sound, and sheer speed.

Yes, it’s true the film shows red lights being blown through and insane speeds that would endanger pedestrians. Don’t try this for real—even if I sometimes wish Paris traffic could flow as smoothly as it does in the movie. Rendezvous has become a classic of cinéma vérité. And since I already covered my favorite car chases, I couldn’t leave out Rendezvous.

Watch it, and you might just understand why the driver felt such urgency. Very “Lelouch,” if you ask me.


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