Last week I published my first ‘Sunday Roundup’ post, here comes the second one. The selection of news made by the Sama Team for their weekly Friday Digest on the Sama Gazette is always interesting and I would have also selected several of the articles they have chosen like Obama set to appoint America’s first special envoy to Burma, French ... More
Sunday Roundup. Everything is said, the title of this post is quite self-explanatory. I have been inspired by the Sama Gazette and their weekly Rendezvous Friday Digest. I think this is an interesting way to share with you the news that caught my attention and which are worth mentioning on this blog. This is my first #Sunday Roundup, I hope you will ... More
da-eYe is back rue de Verneuil. But this time, virtually. When Serge Gainsbourg died on 2 March 1991 of a heart attack, I was among the ones who came at his home rue de Verneuil in Paris and wrote or drew graffiti on the outer wall of Serge Gainsbourg’s house. I drew a da-eYe and it was one of the last time I did. I have always considered Gainsbourg ... More
Today is ‘Pi Day’, because it is March 14. You know, 3/14. Here is the definition: π (written ‘pi’ the Latin name of the Greek letter π) is a mathematical constant whose value is the ratio of any Euclidean plane circle’s circumference to its diameter. Maybe you are wondering why pi has its own ‘day’. Wikipedia ... More
Last year I met with extraordinary women. There was Betti from Rwanda, Clara from Mexico, Armita from Iran and French women: Fatima, Laurence, Karima, Francesca, Caroline… All had in common a difficult life only because they were born ‘female’. Since last year, some of them are bringing good news, some others still struggle to make both ends meet. ... More
No one showed in a monkey mask at the Oscars. Many people were hoping ‘anonymous’ British street artist Banksy would show last night (his film ‘Exit Through The Gift Shop‘ was nominated for Best Documentary Feature) but he didn’t. Or maybe he was there and we didn’t recognize him. As you may already know, da-eYe was born ... More
Immediately after Mohamed Bouazizi’s self-immolation, I wrote about the event and the protests that followed in Something is wrong in Tunisia. If some people out of Tunisia were ‘surprised’ by the escalation, it came as no surprise to me, knowing what Tunisians have been living for decades under Ben Ali’s dictatorship and massive ... More
As a big fan of Curb Your Enthusiasm TV show, I am very excited about Season 8. This time Larry David takes on New York City and I can’t wait to watch the new episodes. But if you want to know more about the upcoming season that will premiere this year on HBO, you might be disappointed… The only place to go is on the CYE page on HBO website. In ... More
2011 is ‘da-year’! da-eYe is back as we can read on his website, and he wants you to know. On Dec 10th last year, the observing eye from the mid-Eighties went Barefoot Against Poverty to support the Every Human Has Rights Campaign. Now, on a totally different topic, the waggish da-eYe decided to strike the pose, the Wendy Brandes Pose to be ... More
What would black be without white, and white without black? I’m not speaking metaphorically here (though the idea certainly holds meaning). Since I first started drawing and designing clothes as a young teenager, I’ve always been drawn to the stark contrast and purity of black and white. I’ve already shared my admiration for Pierre Soulages and his ... More